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English articles

English articles

1.Memories - Doordarshan, Cinema, Entertainment and Childhood

2.What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

3.Family - are we flying or falling apart

4.Why is it important to get enough sleep? My experiences

5.Deliver medicine at home -Necessities and things to keep in mind

6.Employment, migration and disintegrating relationships

7.Why are Indian consumers adopting electric two-wheelers?

8.Behavior and Faith in today's world

9.First experience of AIDS awareness

10.How to Begin Trading in the Financial Markets -These ten things that will make you successful in trading

11.Please think, understand, then give opinion, don't just say anything

12.Today morning part -3 God, Faith and Positive energy

13.Today morning Part-2 breaking the rules is also necessary

14.Today morning Part-1

15.Hard work, Luck, Possibility, Courage

16.Understanding Stress in Soft Skills

17.Can Cryptocurrencies Be Created Through Programming or Are They Finite in Number?

18.Cryptography: Safeguarding Information in the Digital Age

19.Investing in Cryptocurrency: A Beginner's Guide to Making Money

20.Fraud calls

21.How to Sell Your Crafts Offline and Make Money: A Guide for Crafters

22.How to Sell Your Crafts Online and Make Money: A Guide for Crafters

23.Creating and Selling Online Courses in 2023: Tips and Tricks for Success

24.The Ultimate Guide to Monetizing Your Instagram Account in 2023

25.How to Monetize Your Website : Tips and Strategies

26.The Future of Online Income: Predictions and Opportunities in the Digital Age

27.The Future of Online Advertising: Making Money with Ads

28.Earning Money with Online Translation Services

29.What is the remedy for the feeling of "I can't do it" and despair?

30.Education and Employment

31.Old Memories and Heal Power

32.It was Holi day

33.Truth can be troubled but not defeated

34.She was looking for me

35.machine, development, pollution and our life

36.Life is what it is today

37.Ticket fine

38.Looking for a pen

39.Understand Self-confidence in practical life, adopt and get success in life

40.What to do when scared

41.What are soft skills and why are they important in our lives?

42.Bold steps should also be taken in life

43.Practical life and education


45.How I got over my bad habit

46.My first WhatsApp group

47.keep quiet - good or bad

48.One Approach That Can Solve Many Problems of life

49.What are people ignoring in the corona pandemic

50.That day - a true experience

51.Seems mild but the issue is serious

52.That moment of office

53.Multitasking - skill or imprudence

54.Swindle Promotion, Charm and deception

55.focus and success

56.Common people and cleaning

57.Just like that - Bring change and get newness in life

58.Smartphone addiction and remedy

59.Is it necessary to go to gym ?


61.Ego and the game of time

62.Right decision with Peace and endurance

63.Seemed impossible. But still happened

64.One day with tubeless tyre


66.Experience letter

67.Work and luck and education

68.Never say bitter things under any circumstances


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My first WhatsApp group

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