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What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Rebirth i.e. being born again is a very interesting issue. Thinking about it, talking about it or watching films etc. related to it seems very interesting and exciting. But does reincarnation really happen? Science does not believe in reincarnation. If we talk about different religions, then there are different opinions regarding reincarnation in different religions, some believe in it and some completely deny it.

Religions that believe in reincarnation - Reincarnation is a belief found in many different religious and philosophical traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Some New Age spiritual movements also believe that reincarnation really exists.

What happens in reincarnation - According to this belief, after death, the soul or consciousness of a person goes into a new body or it can also be said that it is reborn in a new form, which is often influenced by their actions (karma) in previous lives or it can be said that it happens due to those deeds. For example, we all must have heard at some time or the other and also seen in many films or serials that how the main hero or heroine are unable to meet for some reason and die untimely. Due to this, they are born again in some other place and with some other name and they meet again and they also remember everything from the previous life.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

However, it is also important to keep in mind and understand that the idea of ​​reincarnation is not completely believed. It is very different in different cultures and belief systems, that is, different cultures and belief systems have different ideas and beliefs about it.

Religions that do not believe in reincarnation - Many religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism do not believe in the concept of reincarnation. Instead, they believe that there is heaven and hell and there is life after death where the soul gets the fruits according to the deeds done in its life, that is, whether it will get heaven, hell or get salvation etc. is decided according to its deeds.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Reincarnation and science - In fact, if seen, whether a man is born again after death or not, or whether he leaves this world forever or perishes forever, this can be a person's own personal belief, a matter of faith or a matter related to someone's cultural background. But whether reincarnation really happens or not, there is no scientific basis for it, in other words, it is also correct to say that science has not accepted it on any basis and has also not proved on any basis that it does not happen.

Now let us understand what are the arguments or arguments on the basis of which it can be said that reincarnation really happens.

Like we use mobile or smart phone in today's time. In that we use SIM card and use different apps. We run all the applications of the smartphone from our email ID, whose password we have to remember and also keep safe. But if it happens that the smartphone you are using gets damaged due to some reason, then what will you do in such a situation. In such a situation, you will buy a new smartphone according to your budget and requirement. Now what will happen next is that you will put all those applications or necessary things in the new smartphone which you used in the old smartphone. Or it may be that you put new things in place of some old things like contact numbers of some old acquaintances, apps which you do not like or which have bothered you, you will not put them in your new smartphone. If we look at it this way, as it is said that the soul leaves the old body and goes to the new body. It is possible that after taking a new birth, some people remember all the things of their previous birth, some people remember only a few things, or they may not remember anything at all. It is also said that all these things are stored in the subconscious mind inside us, but to understand all those things, we have to awaken our subconscious mind. Although these are my personal thoughts and conjectures, but thinking like this makes me think that who knows, rebirth really happens.

Reincarnation of the soul or the mental state of a human being - If you search about reincarnation on the internet, you will find many such articles and videos in which it is claimed that a certain child or man has been reborn and in his previous life he lived with a certain name, in a certain family, and at a certain place. And when he was small, he remembered everything about that place and the family members of his previous life and he recognized them as soon as he saw them. By the way, there is a popular belief in our society that newly born children cry a lot because they remember their previous life and they cry repeatedly due to their attachment to their previous life. As they grow up, they forget about their previous life and start adopting a new life. Many times it is seen and heard that some murder mysteries are also revealed in which the child remembers his rebirth and he repeatedly asks his parents of this birth to take him to that place by taking the name of such a place where neither he nor any of his parents have ever been. When the child repeatedly says this, the parents take the child to that place and he refreshes the memories of his previous birth related to that place and recognizes his family members of his previous birth, then after that he also remembers how he was killed in the previous birth. Did he die in an accident or was he killed by someone. If he was killed then who was that person and in this way the mystery of a murder case is solved and the culprit is caught. But this happens due to reincarnation, it has no scientific basis or it may also be that in some way someone else's feelings, memories etc. dominate someone's mind, due to which he can think and understand like that person and can know or feel everything that that person knew and thought. 

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

To understand this further, you can also watch a Hindi film named Bhool Bhulaiya in which the main heroine comes to her husband's old palace for the first time after marriage and despite everyone's refusal, she goes inside that palace about which it is said that the soul of a woman named Manjulika roams in that palace, who used to be a dancer once. When the heroine hears about Manjulika and she becomes more curious to know about her, she goes to that palace, investigates and reads about her. After that she starts behaving like Manjulika. For example, the heroine has nothing to do with Bengal or the Bengali language, but when she comes to know about Manjulika and whenever Manjulika dominates her, she starts speaking Bengali. At the end of the film, it is revealed that due to her earlier bitter experiences and mental suffering, the heroine starts considering Manjulika's suffering as her own and slowly she completely accepts Manjulika within herself. There is no existence of a soul in this. Yes, it definitely comes to the fore that if we believe in it, then it is a mental state and if we believe in it, then there is a soul which dominates.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Reincarnation of the soul and the process of birth - But along with this, we will also have to think about how any living being gives birth to a new living being. For this, any living being has to go through a process in which the existence of the soul is not visible. If the process of birth is understood, especially in the initial period of birth, that is, in conception, then it comes to the fore that how the living being first comes in a liquid substance in the womb, then gradually changes take place in it and it develops and all this happens automatically without any mistake and when it develops properly in the womb, then how does it come into this world. After looking at this process of birth, it is not understood where the soul is in all these processes. How does a soul leave the first body and come into another body. And if the soul has to leave the first body and come into another body, then what is the need of the process of birth in which the male and female come close to each other and give birth to a new creature just like themselves?

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Have you ever felt that a friend or relative of yours who had died an untimely death has been reborn and has recognized you and other people and has told the reason for his return. Do you think that this is really going to happen or can happen?

It is also worth noting that we often get to hear stories of reincarnation about people whom we do not know. If someone tells us such stories, then it is often about a person who is not his relative, he is either his neighbor who no longer lives in his neighborhood or he has also heard this story from someone and is telling it to you.

Reincarnation, transformation and newness - One meaning of reincarnation in our life is that we understand change and bring renewal in our life. This can happen in many ways such as personal awakening, social revival or experienced as a natural phenomenon. Seen from this perspective, reincarnation gives us the message that we should accept and adopt change in our life, do self-discovery i.e. know and understand ourselves and keep developing in our life continuously.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

And this happens in almost everything like overcoming the challenges in life means that everyone has some or the other problems in their life which create obstacles in making their life successful or in doing any work and the challenge is that what is the reason of this obstacle or problem and what should be the solution so that the obstacle gets removed and we can do the work well and achieve our goal.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Soul searching means knowing about yourself, what do you like to do, what do you have a passion to do well, what is your importance, the thing in which you are interested and have a passion to do, keeping this in mind what is or should be the aim of your life.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Getting healthy again or recovering (treatment) and forgiving - It is believed that if we want inner peace, acceptance, that is, we want to adapt to today's environment, compassion should develop within us, then for this we will have to forget our old sorrows, if we have any complaint against anyone in the past, then we will have to forgive and forget that too, if we have done something in the past which makes us regret remembering and feel bad that we should not have done this, then we will have to recover from this too and forget it and live in the present.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Reinvention means to start again - Changes keep happening in our life as it is always said that change is the rule of this world and it keeps on happening. Due to this change our circumstances keep on changing. Our needs keep on changing. Sometimes this change is good and beneficial for us and sometimes it also happens that the change is not as per our liking and is quite bad and harmful. We should be able to adapt to the change by accepting it wholeheartedly.

If the change has done something good for us or not, then also we should start again according to the change. Suppose some such circumstances have come before you due to which the work done by you earlier has no importance in today's time, then in such a situation you should accept from your heart that now you should take the next step according to today's change and if required, you should start again with courage, patience and understanding.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Sometimes it happens that to work according to the skills we possess, we need to go away from our native place and loved ones, that is, we need to go out of our comfort zone. In such a situation, we should accept the need to go out of the comfort zone and make a new beginning.

But this does not mean that we should blindly migrate due to the compulsion of employment and thinking that the world is going out and migrating for money. Instead, we should decide keeping in mind our skills, the situation in front of us, the need, etc. If we can work and work in our comfort zone keeping all these things in mind, then this is as good as going out and getting a job or earning money.

Spiritual Awakening - When you start connecting with the deeper layers of consciousness. You start rising above ego, anger etc. or it can also be said that you start understanding emotions like ego, anger and start controlling them. When you start understanding and experiencing every thing related to spirituality deeply, then this is also a kind of rebirth.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

What we have learnt so far is about individual rebirth. Now let us understand about social rebirth.

Social rebirth - This kind of rebirth is on a much larger scale and brings about transformation in society. Social rebirth is a collective awakening that challenges prevailing norms, ideologies and systems. It often takes place in response to social injustice, political upheaval or cultural changes. It aims to promote movements for equality, justice and progress.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

We can also understand social rebirth with some examples -

Civil rights movement: That is, the movement that citizens do for their rights. This movement is for the struggle for racial equality, gender equality and human rights. In this, systemic discrimination and oppression are challenged.

Democratic revolutions: These are the revolutions that try to overthrow the authoritarian rule and establish a democratic rule.

Environmental activism: In this, people are made aware and in a way a request is also made so that people understand and take such steps which can help in overcoming ecological crises, reducing climate change, protecting the environment and managing it properly.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Technological advancement: Something new or such a discovery in the field of science, technology and communication which is beneficial in industries, economies and social interactions. Cultural renaissance: To promote creativity in the field of art, literature and intellectualism so that cultural identity and narratives are promoted and such cultural identity is also promoted which has been forgotten with time.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Cultural Renaissance: To promote creativity in the fields of arts, literature and intellectual life in order to enhance cultural identities and narratives and also to revive those cultural identities which have been forgotten over time.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Now let us understand how reincarnation can be achieved or adopted by keeping some things in mind -

To adopt reincarnation, courage, flexibility and openness to change is required, that is, we need a mindset that thinks openly. In this, we have to leave the attachment to the past so that we can live freely in the present and do our work properly by being active. Because it also happens with many people that they remember the past moments of their life so much and remain lost in them that they do not realize that the present i.e. the time which is passing today is also never going to come back. They are not able to understand that even though the past moment might have been very good compared to today, but still something good is happening in today, with which we have to move forward and make our life better.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Something similar has happened to me as well. I was a college student in those days and used to miss my school days a lot. I never liked my college days more than my school days. It used to seem that life had brought me from one place to another. School days were so good. I wish those days would come back. This is how I spent my college days but today when I think about that time after so much time, I feel that I spent those days remembering them. After all, the days which I used to miss so much never came back. It would have been better if I had lived those days well and kept them in my golden memories. Today I also realize by thinking about my college days that even at that time I had good friends and good people in my life who are not in touch with me now because I did not make much contact with anyone only because I was lost in the old days and mostly because of my habit of staying alone. What I mean to say is that we should not get so attached to our past that we forget to live in our present. We have to move forward in life believing that anything can happen in future i.e. nothing is certain in future, we should accept uncertainty. We should adapt to the changes in life and adopt newness (keeping the good in mind).

Leave the old beliefs, habits and identities which are no longer helpful in our development. Do not connect such beliefs, habits and identities with ego and do not make them a matter of debate or fight, but by considering good and bad.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

When challenges come in life, we fail again and again, then in such a situation we have to be patient and learn something good from our failure. Challenges have to be understood calmly and decently and find a solution to it.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Make good contacts and relations with as many people as possible so that you can get proper help in achieving your goal and facing the challenges.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

There are many types of people living around us whose language, dress, food habits, way of believing in God etc. are different, if it is said in one word then it is diversity. That is, there is a lot of diversity around us and we should respect diversity. It should not be that our perspective and method is right and others' is wrong, rather we should try to happily participate in everyone's happiness while respecting everyone's perspective and method. If nothing else, but while respecting the diversity around us, we should avoid saying or doing anything that threatens unity in diversity and becomes the cause of unnecessary dispute.

What is reincarnation and does it really happen?

Overall, on this basis, it can be said that reincarnation is not just a concept but a medium to adopt change and development in our life and society. This gives us the message that after every end there is a new beginning. Any failure and challenge in life gives us an opportunity to learn and understand something new and it also gives us new opportunities for development. By embracing the journey of reincarnation with courage, compassion and an open heart, we can unleash our true potential and create a world of greater harmony, resilience and prosperity for all.

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References -,%E0%A4%9C%E0%A4%A8%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%AE%20%E0%A4%A7%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%A3%20%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%B0%20%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%A4%E0%A4%BE%20%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%88%E0%A5%A4,dancing%20in%20the%2021st%20century.


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