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Showing posts from July, 2024

Family - are we flying or falling apart

Listen👇 It was getting very hot, so in the evening I went to the terrace with my son. After going to the terrace, the son started playing here and there on the terrace and I started walking and looking here and there. My eyes fell on a flock of flying birds who were returning to their places after dusk. Although now we do not see as many flocks of birds as before, but still a few are seen. flock of birds I called my son near and pointing towards those birds said, look at that flock of birds, they are flying towards their homes. The son said, yes, I know that they are birds and they fly like that. I said, "Yes, but do you know why they fly together like that and why they make different shapes while flying?"Because in this way they can fly easily while cutting the air. A single bird cannot fly very far cutting the air so easily. If the wind blows very strongly, it will become very difficult for a single bird to fly forward. That's why they fly together like this and return...

परिवार -हम उड़ रहे हैं या बिखर रहे हैं

सुनें 👇 गर्मी बहुत हो रही थी इसलिए शाम होते ही मैं अपने बेटे को लेकर छत पर चला गया। छत पर जाने के बाद बेटा छत पर इधर उधर खेलने लगा और मैं टहलने लगा और इधर उधर देखने लगा। मेरी नजर उड़ते हुए पंछियों के झुण्ड पर पड़ी जो की शाम ढलने के बाद अपने ठिकानों की ओर लौट रहे थे। हालाँकि अब पहले की तरह पंछियों के ज्यादा झुण्ड नहीं दिखते हैं लेकिन फिर भी थोड़े बहुत तो दिख ही जाते हैं।  पंछियों का झुंड  मैंने अपने बेटे को पास बुलाया और उन पंछियों की तरफ इशारा करते हुए कहा की वो देखो पंछियों का झुण्ड वो अपने घरों की तरफ जा रहे हैं उड़ते हुए। बेटे ने कहा की हाँ मुझे पता है की वो पंछी हैं और वो ऐसे ही उड़ते हुए जाते हैं। मैंने कहा "हाँ ,लेकिन आपको पता है की वो ऐसे ही एक साथ क्यों उड़ते हैं और वो उड़ते हुए अलग आकार क्यों बनाते हैं ?"क्योंकि इस तरह से वो हवा काटते हुए आसानी से उड़ सकते हैं। एक अकेला पंछी इतनी आसानी से हवा को काटते हुए बहुत दूर तक नहीं उड़ सकता है। अगर हवा बहुत तेज़ चल गयी तो एक अकेले पंछी का आगे की ओर उड़ना बहुत ही ज्यादा मुश्किल हो जायेगा। इसलिए वो इस तरह से एक साथ उड़ते हैं और अपने घरों क...

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वो मुझे ही ढूढ़ रही थी

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My first WhatsApp group

Due to not changing according to the changing times in life, due to the confusion and running of today's life, sometimes something happens to us that we are ashamed to remember it and there is a lot of laughter too. A similar incident has happened to me too, remembering which I feel ashamed and also laugh. This incident is from 2017 when I used to work in an office. I have used the same words and styles which we use in our daily routine, due to which some styles of speaking words of Hindi have been used in English translation so that I can make you feel as much as I was feeling. group of two people It was almost half an hour since my office shift started that  afternoon I was discussing something with my new group leader Sagar. Then my old group leader Harish came towards me. And told me- "Rakesh I forbade you to request leave on WhatsApp group. If it is very urgent then message me personally on WhatsApp". Harish who was my old group leader and now may have been shifted t...