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When will the Ravana of the mind burn? (Poem)

When will the Ravana of the mind burn? (Poem)

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When will the Ravana of the mind burn?

Effigies are burnt every year

Every year the mind gets amused after seeing the burning effigies.

But when will the mind change after being inspired by goodness?

When will the Ravana of the mind burn?

Fairs are held every year

by quarreling with loved ones

wandering alone in the crowd

When will this rift with loved ones end?

When will the Ravana of the mind burn?

You can also watch this video 👇

Ravana was also hardworking, brave and scholar.

But he was a renowned devil because of his evil intentions and evil deeds.

When will today's scholar, hardworking and brave youth move forward with good intentions and good deeds?

When will the Ravana of the mind burn?

When will the Ravana of the mind burn? (Poem)

You see shortcomings in others, you feel bad about the foolishness of others.

When will you recognize the goodness and flaws within yourself?

When will Hridaya Ka Ram wake up?

When will the Ravana of the mind burn?

You fight in the name of Ram

There was sacrifice, dignity, simplicity, humanity and love in Ram's character.

When will the Ravana of the mind burn? (Poem)

When will you understand the character of Ram?

Who happily left the palace for his loved ones and took up exile

How did we think that he would be happy with the hatred spread in his name?

From outside is the cover of Ram and from inside is the conduct of Ravana.

When will humans understand Ram's behavior?

How long will the trade of hatred in the name of love continue?

When will the Ravana of the mind burn?

When will the father who hopes for Ram in his children find Dasharatha within himself?

When will the Ravana of the mind burn?

Click here for Hindi version(हिंदी के लिए यहाँ दबाएं )


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