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Be free

Be free

Click here for Hindi version

Just walking today

in a light breeze

staring at the moving leaves

Amidst the noise of the crowd and the passing vehicles

You can also watch this video -👉 Be free poem

with my loneliness

Say the confusions of this world or

Tell the fools of this world or

say something else

It occurred to me that

why not be free

There are some fetters tied in the mind since childhood

If breaking them is a waste then so be it

why don't i get wasted

Mind says live happily, live freely

with this in mind

why not go in the flow of happiness

Enough of mental slavery to the rules of the world

why not be free now

Be freeIf it is foolish to be happy forever, then foolishness is right.

Why don't I be filled with happiness by ignorance

why not be free now

the past haunts

tomorrow scares

By luring the hope that the coming moment will be good

makes restless

Sometimes the mind and sometimes the body are driven away by blind music.

It neither lets you sleep peacefully nor warns on time

Better to regret the past than to fear the future

Feel the happy moments today and get lost in them

too much mental slavery

why not be free now

It is better than living suffocating with the pains of the restrictions made by the world.

Ignorance is the right way to live happily

may or may not be able to do something big

Be freebecome a moment of happiness to be remembered by all

why not be free

This is the journey of life, it has to end one day

need a moment

why waste it in stress

Don't have enmity with anyone, everyone is my own

No relative, no stranger, no custom, no bond

like a breeze of happiness

flow in this journey

why not be free


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