Let's rain love
Trees have dried up in the sun of hatred
enough is enough
let's rain love
feed the flowers of kindness
Let's make this ruined garden green again
Let no storm destroy this gulshan
Let's make it strong from the roots again
what I gave, what did you give
what did I do, what did you do
I'm like that, so are you
Don't know how much time was wasted in this ignorance
The time could have passed in belongingness and happiness which we lost in hatred and misery.
Time also gave its verdict one day
Broken some branches one by one in the storm of time and the roots were also shaken
Let's forget each other's mistakes and shortcomings, just as we forgot each other's favors, belongings and the good days spent together
too many distances
Let's get closer now
You come a little closer and we come a little closer
let's start again
Mistakes have happened, some from us, some from you
now let them go
This life grows more towards hatred and ruin whenever we remember them and repeat them
Let's let go of old wounds
Let's extend a hand of love and cooperation to each other
Now let's spend the rest of our life with love and affection
Foolish are the people who scratch old wounds
Repeating old mistakes in a new way
After all, what is kept in the tussle with each other
One day they leave this world while tussling all issues stay here
As long as one has to live, one has to live with love and goodness
Why don't people understand this
Trees have dried up in the sun of hatred
Now it is too much
let's rain love
feed the flowers of kindness
Let's make this ruined garden green again
Let no storm destroy this gulshan
Let's make it strong from the roots again
let's rain love