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Miss the old days

Miss the old days
old days

Why does the mind yearn for those things

Whom I can't get back

Why do I remember those days, the places where I can't go back

Even if gone, it cannot bring back the time spent

I know that time varies

The world also changes

And there is also an air of new expectations in the mind

Still don't know why the old days are lacking

How can I forget those days

The moving wind, the trees, and plants swaying in the wind,

The scent of the first rain, the birds' twitter,

Walking on the roof of the house, seeing the stars in the night sky,

They are all the same

Yes I am grown up now

Previously I depended on my mother and father but now I am standing on my feet

Someone has some expectations from me

Someone will pray for me

Someone will ruin my heart

Still don't know why the old days are lacking

Childhood was also strange, I thought when will I grow up

But today, it seems that childhood toys were better than a smoke drop car.

I am thinking I should live these moments also happily

These moments will also be remembered one day

whatever time comes next

I hope these moments become a reason to smile.

Click for Hindi

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