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Just like that - Bring change and get newness in life

Bring change and get newness in life

Life never lasts the same. There are changes in life. Whether we or our surroundings, things change according to all the time like weather, our body sometimes according to age or sometimes according to health. It is said that change is the rule of this world. We cannot do anything that changes according to the will of God or it can be said that it is according to the nature. But by making small changes in our life, we can improve our life.

By doing the same kind of work every day and following the same timetable, we start feeling very bored and there is no fun in life no matter how well we are doing. Sometimes we should make such changes which are different from the rest of the days, so that there is a feeling of newness in life and maybe you get to learn something new or understand something new in life. Sometimes we all have heard in our life that no matter how bad and good the time and condition are, we get to learn something. Changes play a very important role in our life.

Bring change and get newness in life
feeling newness

When I woke up at morning that day. Thought I would do something different today. Every day I was bored by following the same timetable. Getting up early in the morning, doing yoga and exercising, it will continue, but today it should be different. Then thought what should I do, go back to sleep. No, it will not be good; Then thought today take a walk outside.

While wandering outside, I thought that I roam on this side every day, today I will go somewhere else. What was it then? I walked towards the fields on the raw paths. Anyway, ever since I left the village, there was no opportunity to go to the fields. I raised a pedestal in my hand and started walking while rolling it. The cold and fresh air of the morning, the green atmosphere all around, the mind was feeling very good.

Bring change and get newness in life
feeling good

Then I thought that I will walk on the front mountain which is quite far. I have gone many times from my motorcycle, today I walk on foot and see how far it will take and how long it will take. I walked towards that mountain on foot. That day I walked about eight kilometers. My mind is relaxed. I also sweated a lot as if I had exercised too much and I was feeling quite good. Every evening after that, I started going towards that mountain.

Sometimes it is so good to do something like this, to learn something new. I had heard right before that walking is the best exercise in the world. Just stay lost in yourself and keep going, it also helps in exercising the whole body and there is no cost in it.

After walking for so long, I have also realized that due to daily walking, we start gaining confidence to live life and face the problems of life and we also start getting stress free. It would not be wrong to say that changes play a very important role in our lives.

By change I mean good change in life. Sometimes it happens that everything is going well and due to an unnecessary change, either everything gets messed up or it does not stay as before. For example, if instead of walking that day, if I fell asleep or adopted some such habit which is not related to my good lifestyle, then on that day I would not understand the importance of walking and change. We must change for the better. While making changes, it should be kept in mind that there should not be any wrong effect in what is already good.

Bring change and get newness in life
morning tea

To understand this better, I would like to tell one thing from my childhood here. In those days, a song program used to come on television in the morning on Sundays. People loved that program in those days. Sunday was a holiday on that day, so people used to enjoy that program with a sip of tea comfortably. After some time it happened that some changes were made in that program, due to which it was not the previous thing in that program, due to which people's interest in that program decreased.

With this example, you can understand the disadvantages of making changes without reason.

Change is only as good as it is needed.

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