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One day I was thinking about richness and poverty. If I get more money then it will be so good. I will get rid of eight or nine hours of work. I will be able to do my daily routine according to myself. Will get up early in the morning. I will see the rising sun. I will feel the fresh air of the morning. Will be able to come to my village anytime according to my wish. Will keep visiting relatives. And if there is too much money, then I will roam around all the good places of the world. I will sleep peacefully at night. I will invest some money in good works.


But one thing will always be kept in mind that I will live in a very simple way. I will live as I am today. I wake up early in the morning, do yoga and exercise, eat simple and vegetarian food. I will not spend money to show my wealth like I would not buy a car if my work is done by driving a motorcycle. I believe that money feels good in the account and not in the mind. I have seen a change in the behavior of many people because of money.

show off

While thinking this, I remembered a story read in a magazine, in which a poor, battered child was eagerly looking at the precious foreign car of a Seth. Seth takes pity on that poor child and takes him to sit in the car.

On the way there is a conversation between that Seth and the child. When that child praises the car, Seth tells the child that the car is very expensive and his car is gifted to him by his elder brother.

After a while, Seth tells the child that you are thinking that if someone had given you such an expensive gift then it would have been so nice. After listening to Seth, the child says that I want to be like your elder brother and I am thinking that how can I become like your elder brother.


Perhaps our society today needs a similar approach as this child of the story. What do we want to be ?, what is our ability and how can we improve it? Which topic are we more interested in? What good can we do? We can understand the answers to all these questions by talking to ourselves.

But what happens is that instead of understanding ourselves, we come to the talks of others and take decisions for our lives, like if someone else is making good money in a company, then we and our family will pressurize that you also do jobs like that. . I will also accept this under the pressure of family, without thinking what I am interested in and what good I can do!

It is not necessary that your family and friends take every decision in life and they are always right. It is also not necessary that they understand every decision of yours correctly, no matter how correct your decision is. So, no matter what opinion others give about your life, listen to everyone, but the final decision should be yours even if it annoys many people.

Because your talent is yours. It has developed inside you. No one can know about you better than you. Your thinking, your strengths, your weaknesses, these only you know and understand properly. You can take opinion on any subject from others and also get help. But be it life or career, you have to take the right decision for you.

self confidence

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