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Smartphone addiction and remedy

Been wondering for a long time how to get rid of this smartphone addiction. It is a strange addiction, it has to be used when it is needed, but it is still used when it is not needed. It has become a necessity everywhere from going to the toilet to the bedroom, that is, from the beginning of the morning till the time of sleep, it keeps on being used. Sometimes it happens that eyes and brain also start answering that now enough is enough. And we are also understanding this thing but do not know why we convince ourselves and midnight is passed by doing little and just a little more. After that it also feels that this is happening too much, now it has to be controlled, just now its use ceased. But the same thing happens again the next day, despite knowing that we have decided that this habit has to be controlled. But what about the mind? The mind is always fickle, its nature is to be attracted anywhere.

Smartphone addiction and remedy
viewing on smartphone

The smartphone has all those characteristics to attract the mind. The person who has to do a lot of things should talk, the one who wants to see glamor, the glamor, the one who is fond of fitness, should see the information related to fitness, or say that the person who is interested in everything is available in the smartphone and in every way If you want, then watch the video. Read it if you want. The one who is not able to understand anything, just look at it, you get something or the other. Now it is acceptable that the person does more work which he likes or we can also say this whatever things are pleasing to the mind, we would like to do more of the same things. You must have heard the dialogue of a film, "I like the dog, I bite the dog and eat it"

But we have to convince ourselves that if we like sweets, should we eat sweets all day long? No. Similarly, no matter how well we use the smartphone, we will not benefit from its addiction. There will be a loss.

Smartphone addiction and remedy
explain oneself

Now all of them are understanding that we are going to use the smartphone to an extent. But how to get rid of it?

As previously we understood that we use smartphones because it is pleasing to our mind. Our mind is like a stubborn and small child who starts stubborn for anything and does not accept it quickly. But again, persuasion and persuasion are also acceptable. The same condition is in our minds as well.

The second thing is "need". We are becoming dependent on smartphones for almost every need, whether it is entertainment or shopping. Like if we decide that we will use the smartphone at a fixed time and will do as much as is necessary, then we can avoid more use of the smartphone. Just like many people get this habit that they may or may not need it, they start surfing online, and just by looking at the offers, they start seeing and buying things that they do not really need. In this, their time, money, and health are also affected.

Smartphone addiction and remedy
online surfing

I have also made some efforts to avoid smartphone addiction. In which I have also succeeded -

While sleeping at night, I turn off the internet of the smartphone and keep it away from me.

For the alarm, I use the alarm clock instead of the phone.

I try to go to bed early after eating light food at night.

I wake up early in the morning and do yoga and other exercises and keep the smartphone away. While easing meditation, once I definitely tell myself that I have to avoid the addiction to smartphones.

In the evening, keeping the smartphone at home, I walk six to eight kilometers away.

Smartphone addiction and remedy
walk a long way

Despite this, sometimes I use the smartphone more, but today I can say that I am not addicted to smartphones.

If you also have any remedy or advice to avoid smartphone addiction then definitely comment.

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